Res Evil 2: sound issues....

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  • spoon
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Feb 2005
    • 5

    Res Evil 2: sound issues....

    I have backed up Res Evil 2 just fine (using the proper versions of programs to get around Arcc). It plays on any of my software dvd players just fine with great sound quality. When i attempt to play it on my home system, I get sound on the tri-star logo, previews, menus, etc, but NOT the movie (with or without commentaries turned on).

    I have burned it TWICE now. I am using nero recode 2 (NEWEST version) and DVD43.

    Now, this is my first time using DVD43 and doing a direct dvd->dvd copy (usualy i use dvddecryptor as step 1, then do my dvdshrink or recode). Could this be the issue?
  • jmet
    Super Moderator
    • Nov 2002
    • 8697

    Try hitting the audio button on your remote control while the movie is playing.


    • spoon
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Feb 2005
      • 5

      its not available (i get a "no" symbol (circle with clash thru it)). It is weird.

      I actually decided to ATTEMPT a 3rd dvd using my old method of copying (dvddecryptor & dvdshrink)... it worked perfectly.

      I am guessing it was either dvd43 or recode2.

      Also, on a side note: Nero Recode 2 is basically the newer versions of DVDShrink correct? (i believe, from reading some posts, that the creator of dvdshrink sold the code to Nero, who in turn made Recode2 from it. The interface is almost identical, and all of the features are the same.)

      Just curious.


      • jmet
        Super Moderator
        • Nov 2002
        • 8697

        "Also, on a side note: Nero Recode 2 is basically the newer versions of DVDShrink correct? "
        Yes....he works for Ahead software now, and developed Nero Recode.

