Conversion Question

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  • twfields79
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Jan 2010
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    Conversion Question

    Well I am new I guess, I have a question that I am sure has been answered on the forum some where either I am too dumb to find it, or I just havent looked in the right spots. basically I just want to know how, or what programs i need to convert a regular dvd to a suitable format to watch and "hear" (i stress hear because I have been trying different software which sucked quality wise and no sound and crappy picture) on my computer I only use windows media, and vlc. Also a side note does anyone know if android supports a media player that will play video? Looking at the nexus one and was just wondering......
  • twfields79
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Jan 2010
    • 3

    Some one has to know!!!! at least a point in the right direction?


    • UncasMS
      Super Moderator
      • Nov 2001
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      The choice is yours


      • twfields79
        Junior Member
        Junior Member
        • Jan 2010
        • 3

        tried getting mediacoder but the page is down or something I am trying super right now trying to get dvd decrypter to work........ does anyone know what to do after decrypter is done as far as adding the files to super will it decrypte the files to one avi file with audio and video?


        • dora1985
          Junior Member
          Junior Member
          • Jan 2010
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          You need a video converter software, just google it and choose the right for you. Rember that you should try it before you buy.


          • mygod123
            Junior Member
            Junior Member
            • Feb 2010
            • 3

            How about try cyberlink powerdirector? I've been using this to edit my home video and convert into so many formats. Hope it works for you too.


            • MilesAhead
              • Nov 2006
              • 2615

              I find AutoGK good esp. if the source is "letterboxed" rather than real 16x9. AutoGK will autocrop it and give you 16x9 .avi file using xvid. For a 2 hour movie I set it to 92% quality and usually get about a 2GB .avi file. Good if you ever get a .divx compatible DVD player.


              • Moost
                Junior Member
                Junior Member
                • Jan 2010
                • 2

                I recommend to try Tunebite Converter, it's a quite nice software, as it can convert many audio and video files without any problem, I use it for a long time and I'm pretty happy with the files it converts. It's an universal as it converts both audio and video files to any format I want. It even convert protected wma to mp3 or protected wmv to mp4 by rerecording the original file, so it doesn't break the law. But the protected files aren't the only ones which it can convert, it also converts the unprotected files, for example youtube videos, it converts flv to mp4, 3 gp etc, even converts flv to mp3, depends on what you need.
                Hope I helped you..

