Basic Questions

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  • c10250
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Sep 2003
    • 1

    Basic Questions

    Hello All!

    I am quite new to this (you heard that before) and have a couple questions that hopefully someone can answer.

    Firstly, I am capturing hi-8 video using Roxio (I know, you hate it) and trying to create a DVD. I am successful doing this, however, when I try to capture an hour video in "best" quality and convert it to MPEG with the "best" quality, my file sizes are quite large >5gb. How can this be? I am having a hard time figuring out how a two hour movie can fit on a DVD in MGEG format, yet, I can't even fit a one-hour video on a DVD. The quality cannot be THAT much better than standard DVD movies.

    So, I am capturing in the "best" quality (I believe 720x480??) mode and writing to DVD using "normal" quality. This works fine, but a comparrison between the hi-8 and the DVD shows that the DVD video is somewhat inferrior. Does this have to do with the MPEG encoder?

    I would just like to be able to preserve the hi-8 quality on a DVD. Can someone shed some light on this?

    Thanks in advance for any advice.
  • setarip
    • Dec 2001
    • 24955

    Initiall create the DVD "package" on your hard drive at the highest possible quality. Then use DVD Shrink to compress to less than 4.37Gb - You'll be pleasantly surprised at the resultant quality...

