VCD on Sony DVD player

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  • masterpivot
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Jan 2002
    • 4

    VCD on Sony DVD player

    I am trying to play a VCD I just made using Nero 5.5.1 on a Sony DVD player. I'm using a Sony DVP-S560D.

    So far, I keep getting a "No Disk" message on the front of the system and a "Insert Disk" message on the TV screen. I can view the VCD's dat file through XingMPEG Player, so I am fairly sure the VCD was made properly.

    I read in one of the other threads that the type of CDR may affect whether a DVD player will read the VCD or not. If this is the case, would anyone know what brand or color CDR I need to use?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • setarip
    • Dec 2001
    • 24955

    The Sony models (I have one) may be among the most unforgiving. I've had great success with the Prime Peripherals and ArtMedia brands - and any CDs either labeled or actually manufactured by Princo (If manufactured by, you'll see "Princo" around the hub ring).

    For at least temporary gratification (while you're hunting ofr these brands), be advised that your unit WILL recognize virtually ANY brand of rewriteable CD ;>}


    • johnbmx4christ
      Super Member
      Super Member
      • Nov 2001
      • 238

      i am sure its the dvd player or the format of the movie..but anyway...just for the heck of it..i just started running into problems with the prime periferalls discs and also primaris..where i live they have those cheap ones 100 discs for 10 bucks..but those really suck..the best ones for my money so far have been GQ great quality discs.some of the problems might be my puter and the stuff is old.
      john boy


      • Quade
        Junior Member
        Junior Member
        • Jan 2002
        • 5

        I also have the sony DVD player - my mates have cheapo DVD players which play any VCD fine, even SVCDs.

        The answer is that it is the DVD player that is at fault (damn sony) they don't like self made CDs only factory pressed ones - the only way I can watch VCDs on it is to use CDRWs.

        I have tried several brands of CDR but currently have had no luck, only CDRWs - I have heard the colour has an impact - CDRWs are darker than CDRs...

