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PgcEdit 8.4: éditeur de commandes de DVD - GPL (UPDATE 26 June)

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  • r0lZ
    Lord of Digital Video
    Lord of Digital Video
    • Mar 2004
    • 1508

    Pour la couleur des subpics, il y a probablement une incompatibilité entre les index de couleurs du subpic stream et celles définies dans la table de couleurs des PGCs.
    Pour corriger ça, il y a 2 méthodes.

    1) PgcEdit:
    Double-cliquer sur le (ou les) titre(s) qui posent problème, pour ouvrir le PGC Editor. Modifier les couleurs de la table de manière à pouvoir les repérer facilement. (Par exemple, mettre toutes des couleurs très différentes.) Tester, et noter de quelles couleurs sont les sous-titres. Retourner dans le PGC Editor pour modifier ces couleurs afin d'obtenir le résultat escompté.
    Attention de bien tester TOUS les sous-titres. En effet, si un subpic stream utilise, par exemple, la 1ere couleur pour le blanc, et qu'un autre utilise la même couleur pour le bord noir, il ne sera pas possible d'avoir les 2 subpics bons à la fois. Dans ce cas, utiliser la 2ème méthode.

    2) DVDSubEdit:
    Charger TOUS les VOBs du domaine dans DVDSubEdit (File -> Open Full Domain). Attention: les fichiers .IFO DOIVENT être présents dans le même dossier, même si ils ne sont jamais chargés directement.
    Sélectionner ensuite uniquement le subpic à modifier (avec le menu déroulant dans le coin supérieur droit.) Cliquer sur les 4 carrés de couleur et choisir une autre couleur, jusqu'à obtention du bon résultat.
    Utiliser Edit -> Apply last modification to all pour modifier tous les subpics du même stream. Sauver.
    Cette méthode à l'avantage qu'elle permet de redéfinit les index de couleur directement dans les fichiers VOBs, sans sisque de modifier les autres subpics streams, qui sont probablement bons.
    PgcEdit homepage (hosted by VideoHelp)
    Unofficial mirror (in Poland)


    • r0lZ
      Lord of Digital Video
      Lord of Digital Video
      • Mar 2004
      • 1508

      Pour l'audio, oui, le message de "Verify number of streams" est important. (Par contre, les BOVs n'ont rien à voir avec tout ça.)

      En clair, ce message dit qu'il y a un audio stream qui est défini dans Domain Streams Attributes (une table qui est globale à un domaine spécifique.) Par contre aucun PGC du domaine n'a défini de stream pour l'utiliser. C'est donc là qu'il y a un problème.

      Pour le corriger avec PgcEdit, il suffit de double cliquer sur le title, pour ouvrir le PGC Editor. Là, cliquer sur le 1er bouton audio (où il devrait être indiqué "none" en noir, les autres boutons étant grisés.) Dans la peitte boîte de dialogue qui s'ouvre, sélectionner le stream, qui dépend de la manière dont les VOBs ont été muxés, mais pour un domaine avec une seule piste audio, ça devrait être le stream 0. Cliquer le bouton "Set", puis OK dans le PGC Editor. Sauver.

      C'est nettement plus facile que d'essayer de comprendre à quoi correspond ces chiffres invraissemblables dans IfoEdit, non?
      PgcEdit homepage (hosted by VideoHelp)
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      • boursicot
        Gold Member
        Gold Member
        • Apr 2006
        • 118


        Merci pour tout. Ca y est, j'ai tout ce qu'il faut.
        PGCEdit est vraiment extraordinaire.

        Quel dommage que l'auteur, apparemment francophone, n'ai pas fait voir au monde entier qu'il n'y avait pas que les anglophones qui faisaient d'excellents logiciels.

        Bonne journée


        • r0lZ
          Lord of Digital Video
          Lord of Digital Video
          • Mar 2004
          • 1508

          Hé! L'auteur, c'est moi!

          En fait, il y avait une doc en français au début. Mais le manque d'intérêt du public francophone (qui ne représente que 1 ou 2% du public de mon soft), et le fait que je n'écris plus la doc moi-même font que la doc trançaise est maintenant obsolète. Même la doc anglaise n'est pas très à jour. Actuellement, seule l'excellente doc allemande (par Tobi) est vraiment à jour!
          Mais il y a de bons forums (comme celui-ci) où on peut poser toutes les questions que l'on veut.
          Cela dit, si ça te tente, tu peux traduire la doc anglaise!
          Plus sérieusement, je suis à la recherche de bonnes volontés pour m'aider pour la doc, et ceci dans toutes les langues.

          Aussi, je pense que les français feraient bien d'apprendre un peu plus les langues étrangères. La France est le pays d'Europe où on pratique le moins l'anglais! Pourtant, vous n'avez pas, comme ici en Belgique, l'excuse d'avoir à apprendre une autre langue avant.

          Mais ne polémiquons pas, et merci pour ton appréciation!
          PgcEdit homepage (hosted by VideoHelp)
          Unofficial mirror (in Poland)


          • r0lZ
            Lord of Digital Video
            Lord of Digital Video
            • Mar 2004
            • 1508

            Et bien, justement, il y a quelqu'un qui propose de traduire PgcEdit en français! Bien sur, il faudra du temps, mais c'est une bonne nouvelle!
            Voir ici.
            PgcEdit homepage (hosted by VideoHelp)
            Unofficial mirror (in Poland)


            • r0lZ
              Lord of Digital Video
              Lord of Digital Video
              • Mar 2004
              • 1508

              PgcEdit v 7.1 released!

              PgcEdit v 7.1
              • A. Burn DVD: New "Seamless Layer Break" option in the Layer Break selection dialogue, allowing to set the seamless flag of the LB cell. Theoreticaly, the Seamless flag must be clear, but it appear that it is possible to set it in most circumstances. However, this method can be incompatible with some old players, but is used on some commercial DVDs (among others, Sony Superbit DVDs.) A pink warning is displayed in the risky cases. Technical info:
              • A. Burn DVD: New option (under Linux and MacOSX only) in the layer break dialogue to modify the IFO files only, without creating the ISO image. This option can be used to burn the DVD files directly with growisofs.
              • A. New function to recompute the VTS_TMAPTI table (Time Map) of the current Title PGC, or all time maps of the current title domain or of the DVD. This function is called automatically when a time map needs to be modified but can also be called on demand via the "DVD" and "Title" menus to fix bad time maps, or to build the time maps of non-sequential titles.
              • E. Kill Playback: The first cell command that is normally executed is now included in the pre-commands to minimize the risk of navigation errors (but only if this command is useful and legal in the pre-commands.)
              • E. PGC Editor's cell list: When a cell command is defined and the seamless joint flag of the next cell is set, the "Layer Break?" checkbox is now highlighted in pink, to warn the user that the cell command is executed only when this seamless flag is clear (ie, layer break checkbox ticked.)
              • E. When a titleset is present on disc but not referenced at all in the IFOs, it is now possible to move it automatically to a special backup folder. Previously, the user has to do it manually.
              • E. Improved the VOB desynchronized error check to identify the tiny black cell added by PgcEdit at the end of the VOB files but not referenced in the IFOs. (This situation can happen when the IFOs are not saved by the user after the creation of a new cell.) It is now possible to reuse this cell with the PGC Editor functions "Create new cell" and "Reassign VOB/ Cell ID" with the option to create a new blank VOB cell. Previously, a VOB Desynchronized error message was issued.
              • E. Burn DVD: The Shutdown Computer option is not remembered any more from session to session. That was too dangreous.
              • F. After an Import VTST Title, Import FP Clip or Import Title intro/closing clip, the number of BOVs were not initialized correctly, which caused some other functions (notably Clone PGC) to crash.
              • F. Clone PGC function did not update the TTN internal variables correctly.
              • F. Trace: A warning is now issued if a cell command exists, but the cell that follow the current cell has its Seamless flag set. The cell command cannot be executed in this case.
              • F. Blank Out all Title PGCs: The cells table was wrong when this function was applied to a Title domain without VOB files present on HDD.
              • F. Replace VTST Titles: The streams attributes of the current menu domain were copied from the imported IFO. Now, the table is left untouched.
              • F. Remove cell in PGC Editor: When removing the last Program, the PG number was kept in the table, and forced to 0. Now, it is correctly removed.
              • F. Info -> Jumps from VMG to Current VTS: Some menu buttons or BOV commands were wrongly included in the output.
              • F. Fixed a bug occurring in very rare circumstances: The number of BOVs of the PGC was sometimes wrong after a delete cell from the PGC Editor.
              • F. Tools configuration didn't work if FixVTS was not used before calling it.
              • F. When a titleset was removed or imported, the parental management table VMG_PTL_MAIT was not updated.
              • F. Some minor GUI bugs fixed.
              • F. The Download Daemon Tools link was dead. Changed to current one.
              • W. Workaround for a little discrepancy in the faster mkisofs.exe program provided with PgcEdit. This exe doesn't set the error level like the original one, and therefore PgcEdit was unable to discover if it has failed.

              DVDShrink plugin v 2.0
              • A. New function to redo completely from scratch the authoring of a DVD created by DVDShring in reauthor mode.

              LU (Language Unit) plugin v 1.1
              • A. New function to clone the current LU, with a new language code. Useful to translate a still menu to another language.
              PgcEdit homepage (hosted by VideoHelp)
              Unofficial mirror (in Poland)


              • r0lZ
                Lord of Digital Video
                Lord of Digital Video
                • Mar 2004
                • 1508

                PgcEdit v 7.1.1

                Désolé, il y a un bug dans la v 7.1. Kill Playback ne fonctionne plus!
                SVP, téléchargez la v7.1.1, qui corrige ce problème!
                PgcEdit homepage (hosted by VideoHelp)
                Unofficial mirror (in Poland)


                • r0lZ
                  Lord of Digital Video
                  Lord of Digital Video
                  • Mar 2004
                  • 1508

                  PgcEdit v7.1.2

                  Jamais deux sans trois! Il y a encore un bug dans la fonction de Burn DVD de la v7.1.1. De plus, les 2 versions précédentes sont incorrectement numérotées v7.0.1 et v7.0.1.1.
                  Veuillez télécharger la v7.1.2, SVP.

                  Désolé pour le dérangement!
                  PgcEdit homepage (hosted by VideoHelp)
                  Unofficial mirror (in Poland)


                  • r0lZ
                    Lord of Digital Video
                    Lord of Digital Video
                    • Mar 2004
                    • 1508

                    PgcEdit v7.2!
                    • E. When the VMGM_VOBU_ADMAP table is present but has 0 entries, the table is now completely removed when the DVD is loaded. Previously, only the empty VMGM_C_ADT, VTSM_C_ADT and VTSM_VOBU_ADMAP tables were removed.
                    • F. Burn DL DVD: When the new advanced option "Modify IFOs only" is ticked and PgcEdit cannot find a suitable cell for the layer break, the GUI was not updated correctly, and it was impossible to close the Burn window.
                    • F. The highlight target feature and the Find Jumps to Nowhere function were unable to mark a JumpTT to an inexistant title as invalid.
                    • F. It was possible to save the DVD or quit PgcEdit when a save operation was already in progress. Now, only File -> Kill can be used during the save.
                    • F. PGC Editor: Remap Vob/Cell ID when using the Create New Cell option was broken in v7.1.
                    • F. The dynamic version of the PgcEdit_preview executable was distributed with v7.x. To work correctly under Linux, the static version is needed.

                    New plugin:
                    • Time Maps plugin v1.0, a function to verify the VTS_TMAPTI tables of all Titles of the DVD, with an option to rebuild the missing or wrong tables automatically when the DVD is saved.
                    PgcEdit homepage (hosted by VideoHelp)
                    Unofficial mirror (in Poland)


                    • r0lZ
                      Lord of Digital Video
                      Lord of Digital Video
                      • Mar 2004
                      • 1508

                      PgcEdit v7.3
                      • F. During the trace, when a menu was displayed, hitting the Prev, Next or GoUp button on the virtual remote had no effect.
                      • F. PGC Editor -> Create New Cell -> Create New Blank VOB Cell did not create a new cell if a tiny blcak cell previously created by PgcEdit was already present at the end of the VOB file. Instead, the tiny cell was reused.
                      • F. When using Create New Cell -> Use existing VOB/Cell ID, the cell ID number was always 1.
                      • F. When using Create New Cell on a non-sequential Title PGC (with several PGCs in the same TTN) and the option to create a new chapter, the new chapter number was wrong.
                      • F. When using New Dummy PGC on a Title PGC, the modified Title was not marked as non-sequential in the VMG_TT_SRPT table.
                      • F. When using Delete Last PGC in the Title domain to delete the penultimate PGC of a non-sequential Title (played sequentially), the Title was not marked as sequential in VMG_TT_SRPT. Its time map is now also recomputed when the DVD is saved.
                      PgcEdit homepage (hosted by VideoHelp)
                      Unofficial mirror (in Poland)


                      • jm1647
                        An Eagles Fan, A MenuShrinker
                        • Apr 2005
                        • 3661

                        @r0lZ again for the update !!!!

                        I got it!!!!!

                        Edit - I got so excited I posted in the French forum
                        Last edited by jm1647; 26 Jun 2006, 08:02 PM.


                        • BoF
                          • Nov 2001
                          • 954

                          Originally Posted by jm1647
                          Edit - I got so excited I posted in the French forum
                          no problem, people just become crazy each PgcEdit release
                          [][Logan dataspirit]


                          • r0lZ
                            Lord of Digital Video
                            Lord of Digital Video
                            • Mar 2004
                            • 1508

                            PgcEdit v7.4 est là!

                            PgcEdit v7.4:
                            • A. New function Info -> Find Never-Called PGCs, to mark the PGCs and VTSs that are never called explicitely (without having to clear the VM commands and Prev/Next/GoUp PGCNs).
                            • A. New function Trace menu -> State -> Restart Playback from Exit Domain, to begin the playback at Title 1 instead of at the First-Play PGC.
                            • A. New Option -> Functions -> DVD-TEXT General Name to set the max length of the Volume General Name string, since the number of characters that can be displayed on screen is player dependent.
                            • A. Added "%t" and "%l" substitutions in the command line string of the Tools Setup dialog to be able to pass the DVD-Text General Name (%t) and the default DVD label of the burn function (%l) as arguments. Calling ImgBurn with the volume label already in place is now possible with the arguments: /MODE ISOBUILD /BUILDMODE DEVICE /FILESYSTEM "ISO9660 + UDF" /SRC "%d" /VOLUMELABEL "%l" /NOIMAGEDETAILS /ERASE /VERIFY /IBG "C:\%l.ibg"
                            • E. When a PGC or a cell is never called directly by a VM command or by a Prev Next or GoUpPGCN link, it was previously considered as unreferenced, even if it was referenced in some IFO tables. Now, in this situation, the word "unreferenced" has been replaced by "never-called" to avoid the confusion with truely unreferenced cells (which are never referenced in the IFOs.)
                            • E. Rebuild Time Map functions: the cell times and the PGC playback time are now updated also in the VTS_PGCITI table. Therefore, after using this function, the times shown in the PGC Editor should be accurate.
                            • E. Create New Cell and Reassign VOB/Cell ID: New option to rebuild the time map tables. It is now possible to skip the Time Map creation. Useful to speed up things when using those function several times.
                            • E. The error message "Can't create backup" is not displayed any more when the DVD is loaded from the DVD drive, and is therefore read-only.
                            • E. Improved Read DVD functions, to cope with some severe authoring errors.
                            • E. Added a note in the Check DVD-R Size dialog to warn the user that this function ignores the DVD-ROM files in the computation of the DVD size.
                            • F. Trace mode: SPRM 20 (Player region code) was wrongly initialized with the region code value of VMGM_MAT instead of a bitwise XOR of this value.
                            • F. Trace mode: In case of arithmetic overflow in Set operations, the result was rounded to 0 or 0xFFFF. Now, the right value, not rounded, is used.
                            • F. PGC Editor -> remap VOB/Cell ID did not work on a menu PGC if the VOB file was not successfully scanned for menu buttons when the DVD was opened, for example because the menu VOB file was not present or was CSS encrypted. Similarly, Remove Cell did not update the PGC playback time.
                            • F. When a menu PGC was killed and the video removed, the audio and subpic attributes were not cleared in the PGC.
                            • F. Kill playback: a warning was sometimes issued when it was not needed.
                            • F. Little bug fixed when PgcEdit was called with an invalid path as CLI arg.

                            DVDShrink plugin v2.1 (mise-à-jour):
                            • F. Bug in DVDShrink Remote Buttons's Always allow the 'Title Menu' button to skip to the next title? function fixed. The Title button was ineffective in some cases.

                            Nouveau VOBU plugin:
                            • With this plugin, you can change the entry VOBU sector and the last VOBU sectors of any PGC.
                              Handy to skip intros, logos or credits embedded in the main movie.
                              Please note that this method is not standard compliant, and may fail with some players!

                            Bon plaisir!
                            PgcEdit homepage (hosted by VideoHelp)
                            Unofficial mirror (in Poland)


                            • r0lZ
                              Lord of Digital Video
                              Lord of Digital Video
                              • Mar 2004
                              • 1508

                              PgcEdit v8

                              PgcEdit v8.0 est là!

                              Voir ici le changelog.
                              Last edited by r0lZ; 23 Jan 2007, 09:12 PM.
                              PgcEdit homepage (hosted by VideoHelp)
                              Unofficial mirror (in Poland)


                              • r0lZ
                                Lord of Digital Video
                                Lord of Digital Video
                                • Mar 2004
                                • 1508

                                PgcEdit v8.1

                                PgcEdit v8.1 est disponible sur mon site!

                                Changelog (en anglais) ici.
                                PgcEdit homepage (hosted by VideoHelp)
                                Unofficial mirror (in Poland)

